Two papers on compressible papers published

With Thierry Alboussière, Yanick Ricard, Jezabel Curbelo, and Fabien Dubuffet, we just published two companion papers on compressible convection. Each uses a different equation of state and results using fully compressible equations are compared to classical approximations (anelastic, anelastic liquid, Boussinesq). The numerical solutions are obtained using the dedalus software and the scripts are available on github. The papers are

  • Alboussière, T., Curbelo, J., Dubuffet, F., Labrosse, S., & Ricard, Y. (2022). A playground for compressible natural convection with a nearly uniform density. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 940, 1–41. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2022.216
  • Ricard, Y., Alboussière, T., Labrosse, S., Curbelo, J., & Dubuffet, F. (2022). Fully compressible convection for planetary mantles. Geophysical Journal International, 230(2), 932–956. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggac102
